Becoming Friends of Time - Princeton Theological Seminary


Augustine once said that he knew what time was until someone asked him to describe it. In this episode, John Swinton attempts to do just that. His thoughts on time, traumatic brain injury, and discipleship challenge believers to slow down and settle into God’s time.

The Distillery is a podcast that explores the essential ingredients of book and research projects with experts in their field of study. Learn what motivates their work and why it matters for Christian theology and ministry.

Swinton John

John Swinton is the Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Previously he worked as a nurse for 16 years, specializing in the areas of psychiatry and learning disability. He also spent a number of years working in the field of hospital chaplaincy. He is an ordained minister in the Church of Scotland with a strong commitment to supporting the work of the church. He is the author of several publications on theology, ministry, and disability, including 

From Bedlam to Shalom, Resurrecting the Person: Friendship and Care of People with Mental Health Problems

, and 

Dementia: Living in the Memories of God



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