Exploring the Bible - Princeton Theological Seminary

Reading the Bible is never an individual act. In this episode, Eric Barreto demonstrates the beauty and necessity of reading with others, especially readers who bring different perspectives to the table. He fields fundamental questions about the Bible, encouraging that identity and testimony are integral components of biblical interpretation.

The Distillery is a podcast that explores the essential ingredients of book and research projects with experts in their field of study. Learn what motivates their work and why it matters for Christian theology and ministry.

Barreto Eric


Eric Barreto is the Frederick and Margaret L. Weyerhaeuser Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. As a Baptist minister, Barreto has pursued scholarship for the sake of the church, and he regularly writes for and teaches in faith communities around the country. He has also been a leader in the Hispanic Theological Initiative Consortium, a national, ecumenical, and inter-constitutional consortium comprised of some of the top seminaries, theological schools, and religion departments in the country. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion.


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