Campus Construction and Traffic Updates - Princeton Theological Seminary

Traffic Update

Beginning November 6, the Alexander Road Bridge at the D&R Canal is officially closed for approximately six months. Please follow the marked detour. In addition, Washington Road eastbound approaching the Penns Neck Circle at Route 1 has a dedicated right turn only lane.

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Princeton Seminary Stuart Hall main

A distinctive feature of Princeton Seminary’s educational model is a deeply formative residential experience. As faculty, students and their families live and study alongside one another in community, our campus becomes one large classroom where faith and the life of the mind constantly intersect in worship, study, work, and play.

Princeton Seminary has a long history of upgrading our campus to facilitate this vision. In the words of one of our alumni, Kyung-Chik Han (1926), “Princeton preserved the atmosphere of the past while maintaining a modern environment.”

In the coming weeks, months, and years, you will see our campus evolve as we begin to implement a multi-year campus master plan. The first two buildings to be affected are Stuart Hall and Brown Hall. See below and check back often to stay abreast of campus construction updates.

Stuart construction

June 4, 2019

Stuart Hall originally built in 1878 will begin exterior refurbishment scheduled to be completed in August 2020. The scope of work includes:

  • a new multi-color roof with cresting (to match original roof from 1876);
  • complete rebuild of gutter system and installation of additional rain leaders for storm water management;
  • complete cleaning, repointing, and retooling of stones while replacing those that are defective;
  • replacement of ornamental stone finials and medallions;
  • rebuilding of the north porch.

With respect to the interior of the building, we will be improving heating and cooling controls, replacing the fire alarm and renovating bathrooms while the building is vacant.

Brown construction
Brown Hall

originally completed in 1865 will undergo an extensive renovation scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2020. The project includes:

  • conversion to single rooms with private baths (reduces number of rooms from 79 at present to 53);
  • common spaces on each floor, with full kitchen in first floor lounge;
  • new entry on north side of building;
  • ability to cool year-round, due to 4-pipe system;
  • new elevator;
  • building upgrades, including making the building more accessible for those with mobility challenges.