Strategic Framework - Princeton Theological Seminary

Strategic Framework

Updates Academic Year 2024–2025

The leadership team at Princeton Theological Seminary has dedicated the past twelve months to clarifying our focus on strategy—that which sits between our mission at the Seminary and our operational plans.

The driving questions include: 

  • What makes us distinctive as an institution? 
  • How do we leverage what makes us distinctive to carve out our unique niche? 
  • What strategic choices must we make to leverage these distinctions while redirecting time, attention, and resources from other areas? 

In delineating what distinguishes us from both denominational seminaries and ecumenical university-based divinity schools, we must begin with the vital role of the faculty in shaping our institutional reputation. As we contemplate our strategic framework, it is important to recognize the role of faculty scholarship in underpinning our premier institutional reputation and thus our convening power and global significance in theological education. In this context, the importance of their scholarly output underscores the value and significance of our Seminary’s doctoral program. The strength and excellence of our PhD program set us apart from other denominational seminaries, allowing us to compete alongside top-ranked university doctoral programs in religious studies. 

Furthermore, amidst the popular rush to fully online instruction in theological education, Princeton Seminary can offer learners a distinctive, enduring, and transformative hybrid experience tied to one of the most intellectually vibrant towns on the planet. As we shape the overarching framework of our strategic plan, it’s imperative to elevate and amplify these foundational pillars of our institution — our faculty, the doctoral program, and our physical location— which reflect our commitment to scholarly excellence and transformative learning experiences. 


What you will find below are revisions to the strategic plan goals. These edits represent a sharpening of the original text that reflects a more nuanced vision on what is necessary to achieve our goals. These strategic goals testify to the enduring nature of Princeton Seminary’s mission and the unique ways that it can continue to build upon and move beyond its past to meet the pressing needs of subsequent generations of Christian leaders.  

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Clarifying Princeton Seminary’s Strategy

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Form Faithful and Effective Christian Leaders in all Professional Fields: Equip a wide variety of people for gospel informed ministries and occupations through advancing a hybrid, digitally enhanced learning environment not necessarily tethered to a traditional academic calendar.   

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Provide Theological Leadership for the Church and the World: Serve as a premier flexible and accessible theological resource for global Christianity by enhancing the breadth of our curricular and co-curricular offerings to expand the table of access to the Princeton Theological Seminary community.

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Create and Embody a Community of Belonging: Foster a thriving and diverse Christian learning community by curating transformative and enduring educational experiences tied to the physical campus in Princeton.  


The themes are intended as areas of emphasis for the next 3 – 5 years. 

1. Ensure that our Degree Programs are Relevant, Compelling, Flexible & Accessible   

Develop a slate of distinctive hybrid degree programs that draw from sustainable pools of prospective students to broaden access and entry points by expanding beyond the traditional academic calendar.  

2. Create Consequential and Innovative Non-Degree Programs  

Design and launch a new set of programs and credentials that extend theological education to new constituencies, equip people for faithful reflection and practice, and generate revenue. 

3. Enhance the Campus Experience   

Renew our campus to create a thriving destination for learning, able to accommodate broader and more diverse populations of learners who come to Princeton for short, intense learning opportunities that provide transformative experiences in Christian community and reflect the reign of God in the world.   

4. Enhance the Digital Environment     

Transform our digital environment to create a best-in-class educational experience that is learner-centric, flexible, and accessible to serve a larger learning community spanning multiple stages of one’s professional and educational career.   

5. Ensure the Financial Sustainability of the Seminary and Students  

Steward the resources of the school and ensure that our students graduate without a life-limiting level of debt.  

Princeton Seminary’s Value Proposition

Princeton Theological Seminary offers unparalleled scholarly resources in theological education, underscored by a global reputation, exceptional faculty, and immersive learning experiences in one of the world’s most intellectually respected towns. Our commitment to excellence, grounded in the Christian faith, prepares leaders for transformative service in the church, the academy, and all public service fields.