OMSC: Scholarship - Princeton Theological Seminary

OMSC: Scholarships

Gerald H. Anderson Lectures

Gerald H Anderson

Each year OMSC@PTS invites leading scholars in Mission Studies, World Christianity, Intercultural Theology or a cognate discipline to deliver public lectures at the annual Princeton Theological Seminary World Christianity Conference.  These lectures are name in honor of Gerald H. Anderson.

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Announcing the 2024 Gerald H. Anderson Lecturers

We are pleased to announce the 2024 Gerald H. Anderson lecturers, each of whom will be giving keynotes at the Princeton Theological Seminary World Christianity Conference at the University of Ghana in Legon, Ghana, from March 11-15 on the theme, “Revisiting Women and Gender in World Christianity”

Dr. Ivone Gebara

Pontifical Roman Catholic University of São Paulo

Dr. Egodi Uchendu

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Dr. Kwok Pui-Lan

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

Learn more about the 2024 Lecturers

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The 2022 Gerald H. Anderson Lecture

Dr. Dana Robert (Boston University) gave the inaugural lecture on June 9, 2022,
in conjunction with OMSC’s Centenary Celebration.

View the Recap and Photo Gallery of the Celebration

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Dr. Gerald H. Anderson was Director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center from 1976-2000. He was formerly Academic Dean and Professor of Church History at Union Theological Seminary in the Philippines, President of Scarritt College in Nashville, Tennessee, and Senior Research Associate in the Southeast Asia Studies Program at Cornell University.  A former Fulbright Scholar, he studied at the universities of Marburg, Germany; Geneva, Switzerland; and Edinburgh, Scotland. He has a PhD from Boston University, and honorary doctorates from Albertus Magnus College, Asbury Theological Seminary, and Moravian Theological Seminary.  He is the editor and co-author of The Theology of the Christian MissionChrist and Crisis in Southeast AsiaAsian Voices in Christian TheologyStudies in Philippine Church HistoryMission Legacies, and the Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions among many othersTo learn more about Dr. Anderson please read his article “My Pilgrimage in Mission” as printed in the July 2005 issue of the IBMR and visit the Gerald H. Anderson Collection at the Yale Divinity School Archives.

Christ and Crisis in Southeast Asia by Gerald Anderson

Asian Voices in Christian Theology, by Gerald Anderson

Studies in Philippine Church History, by Gerald Anderson

Mission Legacies, by Gerald Anderson

Christian Missions, by Gerald Anderson

Lamin Sanneh Research Grants

Lamin Sanneh headshot

The Lamin Sanneh Research Grants are named in honor of the late Yale Professor Lamin Sanneh, pioneer in the study of World Christianity, OMSC trustee, and contributing editor to the IBMR.  Each year OMSC@PTS will award two prizes of $10,000 each, distributed across the two-year duration of the grant, in support of research proposals by Christian scholars from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Oceania.

Professor Sanneh had a passion for what he called “lived religion,” studies that provide insight into how Christian communities and persons understand and live out their faith in specific historical, cultural, social, and political contexts. Winning proposals will help to expand and nuance the global church’s knowledge of the world Christian movement.

Applications for the 2024 – 2026 Lamin Sanneh Research Grants Now Closed

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024 

Time frame of Award: September 2024 – August, 2026

Amount: Two grants of $10,000 each

Applications for the 2025 – 2027 Lamin Sanneh Research Grants Will Open Spring 2025

Every year, the Overseas Ministries Study Center at Princeton Theological Seminary (OMSC@PTS) invites proposals for two two-year “Lamin Sanneh Research Grants.”  Proposals are welcome from those working in Mission Studies, broadly conceived, World Christianity, Intercultural Theology or a cognate field.  We welcome interdisciplinary proposals that feature empirical research as well as theological reflection. Proposals may draw on literature in theology (Biblical Studies, Christian History, Systematic or Dogmatic Theology, or Practical Theology), social sciences (Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Politics, Psychology, or Sociology), or the humanities (Art, Ancient and Modern Languages, History, Law, Literature, Philosophy, or Religious Studies).

Grant funds may be used for ground-breaking research initiatives, including the costs for field work, library research, writing and submitting work for presentation and publication, and associated travel. During the two-year grant term, part of the grant must be reserved for travel to one international academic conference where you will present the results of your Sanneh Research Grant.

The selection committee for the 2024-26 awards include Dr. Soojin Chung, Dr. Easten Law, Dr. Jehu Hanciles, Dr. Chandra Mallampalli, and Dr. Wanjiru Gitau.

English Translations of Christian Scholarship

IBMR January 2019 Cover

There is an abundance of Christian scholarship written in other languages that has yet to be engaged by the anglophone world. OMSC@PTS wants to amplify these voices for the benefit of the world Christian movement. This initiative will invest in the professional translation of articles and essays from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Oceania from any field in the theological curriculum.  Our goal is to welcome new colleagues to the table and convene new conversations that represent the world church in all of its diversity.

Since announcing our Christian Scholarship Translations initiative in 2021, OMSC has commissioned several essays to be translated into English from Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, Greek, Spanish, and Japanese.  As these translations are completed, they will be published in upcoming issues of the International Bulletin of Mission Research.  We are excited to be able to amplify their voice and research for a wider audience.

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Completed Translations

Christina Vital da Cunha, “Pentecostal culture in Rio’s peripheries: graffiti and national political agency,” PLURAL, Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at USP, Sao Paulo 28, no. 1 (Jan/Jun, 2021), 80-108,  is now available in the IBMR, Volume 46, Issue 3.

Christina Vital da Cunha, “Cultura pentecostal em periferias cariocas: grafites e agenciamentos políticos nacionais”, PLURAL, Revista do Programa de Pós‐Graduação em Sociologia da USP, São Paulo, v.28.1, jan./jun., 2021, p. 80‐108

ZHA Changping, “Translation of the Lord’s Prayer and Theology,” Religious Studies Research 4, (2014), 207-212, is now available in the IBMR, Volume 47, Issue 1.

查常平, “主祷文的翻译与神学,” 宗教学研究, 2014年 第4期, 207-212

Evangelia Voulgaraki, “Mission and Dialogue: An Evaluation of the Interaction of Orthodox Theology and Act with the Reformation,” Theologia 90, no. 1, (2019), 193-234 is now available in the IBMR, Volume 47, Issue 4.

Εὔης Βουλγαράκη-Πισίνα “Ἱεραποστολὴ καὶ Διάλογος : Μιὰ Ἀποτίμηση τῆς Ἀλληλεπίδρασης τῆς Ὀρθόδοξης Θεολογίας καὶ Πράξης μὲ τὴ Μεταρρύθμιση,” ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ 90, 1 (2019) 193-234.

Translations in Progress

Satō Shirō, ”Barth Reception at the Japan School of Theology: The Cases of Kuwata Hinebobu and Kumano Yoshitaka,” in Karl Barth in Japan: Aspects of the Reception History until World War II, edited by The Research Group on the Reception History of Barth’s Theology (Tokyo: Shinkyō, 2009), 113–161.


Enrique Dussel, “From Sucre to Santo Domingo (1972-1992),” in 500 Years of Evangelization in Latin America, Letra Buena Editions, Buenos Aires, pp. 139-158.

Enrique Dussel, “De Sucre a Santo Domingo (1972-1992)” En: 500 años de evangeliozación en América Latina, Ediciones Letra Buena, Buenos Aires, pp. 139-158.