The Farminary's 10th Anniversary
September 24–27, 2025
Early Bird Bonus: Register before April 23, 2025 receive a complimentary limited edition Farminary organically sourced blanket!
In 2025 we are excited to celebrate the 10th anniversary of The Farminary, Princeton Theological Seminary’s 21-acre sustainable farm. The Farminary is a place where theological education is integrated with small-scale regenerative agriculture to train faith leaders who are conversant in the areas of ecology, sustainability, and food justice. It is designed to train students to challenge society’s 24–7 culture of productivity by following a different rhythm, one that is governed by the seasons and Sabbath.
Over the last decade, the Farminary has become not only a critical place of learning for seminary students but for the wider community as well. It is our intention that the 10th anniversary celebration event — September 24-27, 2025 in Princeton, NJ —includes a line-up of workshops and conversations that reflect the core values of the Farminary and appeal to people in the church and beyond.
The event includes time on the farm, time with one another, and time with some of the brightest minds continuing to shape conversations related to ecology and theology, food justice, sabbath, and more, including Willie Jennings, Barbara Browne Taylor, Jeff Chu, Michael Twitty, Tiya Myles, and Heber Brown, among others.
We hope you can join us.
Schedule of Events
11:30 am
Creation Hymn Sing, Seminary Chapel
12 pm
Kick-Off Lunch with the Seminary Community, Seminary Quad
1:30 pm
Opening Worship Service, Seminary Chapel
Welcome from President Jonathan Lee Walton, Sermon from Barbara Brown Taylor
4 pm
Reframing the World: A Christian Doctrine of Creation, Farminary – Main Tent
Rev. Dr. Willie James Jennings shares from his new book. Special guests responding to this new work include: Norman Wirzba, Tink Tinker, and Hanna Reichel.
8 pm
Wine and the Bible, Farminary – Patio
Led by John Anthony Dunne, participants can explore the history of wine (and wine production) and its place in ancient and Biblical texts, followed by a wine tasting. The tastings aim to introduce participants to the rich variety of wine currently being made around the world.
Wednesday’s Featured Speakers

Rev. Dr. Willie James Jennings
Willie James Jennings is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies at Yale Divinity School. Jennings is a theologian who teaches in the areas of Christian thought, race theory, decolonial and environmental studies. Dr. Jennings is the author of the forthcoming Reframing the World: A Christian Doctrine of Creation (Yale University Press). He is also the author of The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race published by Yale University Press and recipient of the 2010 American Academy of Religion Book of the Year in the Constructive- Reflective Studies category. It is one of the most important books in theology written in the last 25 years and is now a standard text read in colleges, seminaries, and universities. Dr. Jennings is also the recipient of the 2015 Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his groundbreaking work on race and Christianity. Dr. Jennings’s commentary on the Book of Acts won the Reference Book of the Year Award, from The Academy of Parish Clergy. He is also the author of After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging, which was the inaugural book in the much-anticipated book series, Theological Education between the Times, and has already become an instant classic, winning the 2020 book of the year award from Publisher’s Weekly. It was also selected as a finalist for the 2021 American Academy of Religion Book of the Year in the Constructive- Reflective Studies category, and in 2023 won the Lilly Fellows Program Book Award. Dr. Willie James Jennings is an ordained Baptist minister and has served as interim pastor for several North Carolina churches. A Calvin College graduate, Jennings received his M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in religion and ethics from Duke.

Dr. Norman Wirzba

Dr. Norman Wirzba
Norman Wirzba is Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Christian Theology & Senior Fellow at the Kenan Institute of Ethics at Duke University. He is the author of This Sacred Life: Humanity’s Place in a Wounded World. His research and teaching interests are at the intersections of theology, philosophy, ecology, and agrarian and environmental studies. Raised on a farm in Southern Alberta, Norman went on to study history at the University of Lethbridge, theology at Yale University Divinity School, and philosophy at Loyola University Chicago. Since then he has taught at Saint Thomas More College/University of Saskatchewan, Georgetown College (KY), and Duke University Divinity School.

Tink Tinker

Tink Tinker
A member of the faculty at the Iliff School of Theology since 1985, Tink Tinker teaches courses in American Indian cultures, history, and religious traditions; cross-cultural and Third-World theologies; and justice and peace studies and is a frequent speaker on these topics both in the U.S. and internationally. His publications include American Indian Liberation: A Theology of Sovereignty (2008); Spirit and Resistance: Political Theology and American Indian Liberation (2004); and Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Genocide (1993). He co-authored A Native American Theology (2001); and he is co-editor of Native Voices: American Indian Identity and Resistance (2003), and Fortress Press’ Peoples’ Bible (2008).
Dr. Tinker has volunteered in the Indian community as (non–stipendiary) director of Four Winds American Indian Survival Project in Denver for two decades. In that capacity he functions in the urban Indian community as a traditional American Indian spiritual leader. He is past president of the Native American Theological Association and a member of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians.
Firmly committed to the ecumenical movement, he has been active in volunteer capacities with several denominations at the national level, the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches. He currently serves as an “Honorary Advisor” to IMADR, the International Movement against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism; and he also serves locally on the Leadership Council of the American Indian Movement of Colorado.

Hanna Reichel

Hanna Reichel
Hanna Reichel is Charles Hodge Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. Reichel earned their Dr. theol. in Systematic Theology from Heidelberg University, Germany, after an MDiv in Theology and a BSc in Economics. Prior to coming to Princeton, they taught at Heidelberg University and Halle-Wittenberg University in Germany.
Reichel co-chairs AAR’s Christian Systematic Theology unit and is a member of the steering committee of AAR’s Reformed History and Theology unit as well as of the Karl Barth Society of North America and the annual International Karl Barth Conference in Switzerland. Reichel co-edits Brill’s Studies in Systematic Theology series and Routledge’s Karl Barth Studies series and chairs Princeton Theological Seminary’s Center for Barth Studies advisory board. A ruling elder in the PC (USA), Reichel also serves on the Theology Working Group of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, currently preparing the General Council meeting 2025 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Reichel’s first book Theologie als Bekenntnis: Karl Barths kontextuelle Lektüre des Heidelberger Katechismus reframes Barth as a contextual theologian through his repeated engagements with this Reformed confession over the course of his life. The book received the Lautenschläger Award for Theological Promise and the Ernst Wolf Award. Reichel’s second book, After Method: Queer Grace, Conceptual Design, and the Possibility of Theology argues based on both Reformed and queer-theological grounds that “method cannot save theology.” That does not mean, however, that method has no use. Rather, understanding the work of theology as that of conceptual design – responsibly ordering and structuring given materials for a purpose – theologians are invited to an equally more demanding and more capacious practice. The result is an ethic of theology that is continually called to do justice to the reality of God and the world rather than conform to doctrinal orthodoxy or methodological orthopraxy.
Reichel’s teaching spans doctrine and political theology, with special interests in Christology, theological anthropology, eschatology, the doctrine of God, and theological epistemology, with liberationist and queer-feminist commitments. Reichel is currently working on two monograph-length projects: Against Humanity takes a critical inventory of different theological conceptions of the human being (created in the image of God, defined by the humanity of God in Christ, designated to be God’s covenant partner… ), in light of recent antihumanisms in decolonial, Black, queer, crip, and ecological studies. Political Theologies of Omniscience analyzes contemporary surveillance cultures through a doctrinal lens, developing a typology of disciplining, performing, controlling, and replicating surveillance in conversation with historical debates on divine omniscience relating to eschatology, election, providence, and creation.
An internationally renowned scholar, Reichel’s work has also been featured in public outlets such as The Atlantic, the Presbyterian Foundation’s Leading Theologically, CTI’s Theology Matters, and Tripp Fuller’s Homebrewed Christianity.
Select Publications
- Karl Barth, in: Ford’s The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918, eds. Rachel Muers and Ashley Cocksworth with David F. Ford, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2024, 140—151.
- After Method: Queer Grace, Conceptual Design, and the Possibility of Theology, Louisville: WJK, 2023.
- On Theology and Design, in: Journal of Systematic Theology 3/3 (2023), 1—18.
- Of Gods and Men, and Wolves: The “Other Question” between Projection, Colonial Imagination, and Liberation, in: Karl Barth and the Future of Liberation Theology, eds. Paul D. Jones and Kaitlyn Dugan, London: T&T Clark, 2023, 33—54.
- The End of Humanity and the Beginning of Kenosis, in: The Doctrine of Kenosis, eds. Keith L. Johnson and Paul T. Nimmo, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2022, 289–309.
- Swords to Plowshares: On Doing Election, in: Stellenbosch Theological Journal 8/1, (2022), 1–14.
- Conceptual Design, Sin and the Affordances of Doctrine, in: International Journal of Systematic Theology 22/4 (2020), 538–561.
- Toward a Distributed Theology: Citizen Science, the Body of Christ, and Testimonial Epistemology, in: Ecumenical Review 72/2 (2020), 223–241 (co-authored with Thomas Renkert and Benedikt Friedrich).
- Worldmaking knowledge: What the doctrine of omniscience can help us understand about digitization, in: Cursor_ Zeitschrift fuer explorative Theologie 3 (2019).
- With Laura-Christin Krannich and Dirk Evers (eds.): Menschenbilder und Gottesbilder. Geschlecht in theologischer Reflexion, Leipzig: EVA, 2019.
- Theologie als Bekenntnis. Karl Barths kontextuelle Lektüre des Heidelberger Katechismus (FSÖTh 149), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2015.
Wednesday Speakers

Jonathan Lee Walton

Jonathan Lee Walton
Jonathan Lee Walton became president of Princeton Theological Seminary in 2023. Dr. Walton is trained as a social ethicist whose scholarship focuses on the intersection of evangelical Christianity, mass media, and political culture. He is the author of two books: Watch This! The Ethics and Aesthetics of Black Televangelism (NYU Press, 2009) and A Lens of Love: Reading the Bible in Its World for Our World (Westminster John Knox Press, 2018).
Walton has published widely across various academic journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. His insights have been featured in the New York Times, CNN, Time Magazine, and PBS. Walton is a member of the Humanities Advancement Council at Morehouse College in Atlanta.
Walton earned his Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Divinity degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary. Prior to his appointment at Princeton Theological Seminary, he served as dean of Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity where he occupied the Presidential Chair in Religion & Society, and as the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church at Harvard University.
Select Publications
Lens of Love: Reading the Bible in Its World for Our World (Westminster John Knox Press, 2018)
Watch This! The Ethics and Aesthetics of Black Televangelism (New York University Press, 2009)

Barbara Brown Taylor

Barbara Brown Taylor
Barbara Brown Taylor is the New York Times bestselling author of An Altar in the World, Learning to Walk in the Dark, and Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others. She has been an Avon lady, a cocktail waitress, a horseback riding instructor, and a hospital chaplain, but her favorite job was teaching world religions at Piedmont College for twenty years before putting the chalk down in 2017. She now divides her time between writing, speaking, and caring for the land on which she lives. Barbara and her husband Ed tend a small farm in the foothills of the Appalachians.

Rev. Dr. John Anthony Dunne

Rev. Dr. John Anthony Dunne
John Anthony Dunne is an Associate Professor of New Testament at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. Dr. Dunne’s research interests lie primarily in the New Testament, the life and letters of Paul (esp. Galatians), Christian origins, and second temple Judaism. Within these frameworks he is fascinated by many things, including: theologies of suffering and mortality, ritual practices and participation with Christ, symbolism associated with ancient fermented beverages, critiques of imperial ideology, intertextuality with antecedent texts, and the reception of the Bible in contemporary popular culture.
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Open Garden, Meet at the 10th Anniversary Oasis Station
For those who want to get their hands in the soil, you can sign up for a 90-minute shift to work in the Farminary garden under the supervision of farm manager, Larry Rogers.
9 am
Farminary Tour
Join Nate Stucky, Director of the Farminary, for a short walking tour that covers the history, current operations, and long-term vision for the farm.
Reimagining Pastoral Pedagogy: Princeton Theological Seminary Faculty Panel, Farminary – Main Tent
Over the last 10 years, a wide array of courses have been taught at the Farminary. Faculty collaborators come together to share what they’ve learned from teaching not only on the land, but with the land as they seek to form a different kind of leader, for the church and the world.
1-2:30 pm
Workshops (Pick 1)
- Writing with the Land: Poet, professor, and editor of the EcoTheo Review, Crystal Oliver will conduct a poetry workshop focused on how we connect with the land for inspiration when it comes to poetry and other creative writing.
- Composting 101: Larry Rogers, Farm Manager for the Farminary, will teach people how to turn food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. Workshops cover topics such as what can be composted, how to maintain a compost pile, and how to use compost in your garden.
- Native Seed Collection: Friends of Princeton Open Space partners with the Farminary to present this workshop on native seed collection and sowing, emphasizing how native plants enhance the ecological health of the land.
- The Upside to Downspouts: A hands-on demo of building and installing a downspout planter with native plants at the Farminary Property. Participants will understand the basic instructions for constructing a downspout planter from galvanized steel tubs.
3-4:30 pm
Workshops (Pick 1)
- Writing with the Land: Poet, professor, and editor of the EcoTheo Review, Crystal Oliver will conduct a poetry workshop focused on how we connect with the land for inspiration when it comes to poetry and other creative writing.
- Composting 101: Larry Rogers, Farm Manager for the Farminary, will teach people how to turn food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. Workshops cover topics such as what can be composted, how to maintain a compost pile, and how to use compost in your garden.
- Native Seed Collection: Friends of Princeton Open Space partners with the Farminary to present this workshop on native seed collection and sowing, emphasizing how native plants enhance the ecological health of the land.
7 pm
Featured Conversation: Jeff Chu and Chef Michael Twitty, Farminary – Main Tent
Jeff Chu, author of Good Soil and Michael Twitty, an African-American Jewish writer, culinary historian, and educator, come together to discuss the ways food and land have shaped them and their work. They explore how, together, we can find ways to infuse faith and flavor in our work to build community and connection.
Thursday’s Featured Speakers

Jeff Chu

Jeff Chu
Jeff Chu is an award-winning journalist and editor-at-large at Travel+Leisure. His most recent book is Good Soil: The Education of an Accidental Farmhand, a profound meditation on nature, heritage, and belonging, from an accomplished journalist who left New York City for life on a working farm – the Farminary. He is also the author of Does Jesus Really Love Me? and the co-author, with the late Rachel Held Evans, of the New York Times bestseller Wholehearted Faith. Chu is a former Time staff writer and Fast Company editor whose work has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Modern Farmer. In his weekly newsletter, “Notes of a Make-Believe Farmer,” Chu writes about spirituality, gardening, food, travel, and culture. He lives with his husband, Tristan, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Michael W. Twitty

Michael W. Twitty
Michael W. Twitty is a noted culinary and cultural historian and the creator of Afroculinaria, the first blog devoted to African American historic foodways and their legacies. He has been honored by as one of the twenty greatest food bloggers of all time, and named one of the “Fifty People Who Are Changing the South” by Southern Living and one of the “Five Cheftavists to Watch” by He is the author of Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew and The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South. Twitty has appeared throughout the media, including on NPR’s The Splendid Table, and has given more than 250 talks in the United States and abroad. His work has appeared in Ebony, the Guardian, and on He is also a Smith fellow with the Southern Foodways Alliance, a TED fellow and speaker, and the first Revolutionary in Residence at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
Thursday Speakers

Crystal Oliver

Crystal Oliver
Crystal Oliver is a poet and songwriter living in Southern Maryland with particular interests in literary citizenship as community service, studies in songwriters, and professional literacy. She is a senior lecturer of English, an adjunct professor of Music, the Director of the Chesapeake Writers’ Conference, and the Editor-in-Chief at the EcoTheo Review. Her areas of teaching specialization include creative writing, the poetics of song, and feminist and multicultural critical approaches to the literature of music, magic, and addiction. She has also taught at Pratt Institute, The City University of New York, and Brooklyn College, among other places. She has released four albums: Fixing to Break (MW Records, 2002), Bessie’s Last Stand (2003), Voter (2007), and Light it Up (2012). Her writing has appeared in Bluestem, The Brooklyn Review, The Delmarva Review, Woman, and Southern Maryland: This Is Living.

Larry Rogers

Larry Rogers
Larry Rogers serves as the inaugural Farm Manager at the Farminary at Princeton Theological Seminary. After growing up in a small town in North Carolina, Larry started farming during his undergraduate studies. He has been farming ever since, gaining experience in vegetable production, livestock, maple-sugaring, and permaculture at farms in North Carolina, Maryland, Washington, and Vermont. In addition to his fifteen years of farming experience, Larry also brings to Princeton Seminary a Master of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School. Larry embraces his work as a kind of repentance for the stealing, killing, and destroying that too frequently permeate our world. He’s always grateful to conspire with neighbors who desire good work.

Friends of Princeton Open Space

Friends of Princeton Open Space
Friends of Princeton Open Space, founded in 1969, is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization devoted to acquiring open space for preservation, protecting natural resources, maintaining accessibility to trails, and providing environmental education. Since its founding, FOPOS has helped to establish over 1,000 acres of parkland and a network of trails that nearly encircles Princeton. Through grants and the contributions of hundreds of people in the community, FOPOS has helped to raise over $6 million for the purchase of land and acquisition of easements on properties that might have been bulldozed for development. In addition to land preservation, FOPOS also leads in stewardship, from creating and maintaining hiking trails, boardwalks and footbridges, to the removal of invasive species and the replanting of native varieties. FOPOS also sponsors community programs and activities, such as nature walks and educational workshops, and advocates for governmental actions that protect our water, land, animals and plant communities.
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Open Garden, Meet at the 10th Anniversary Oasis Station
For those who want to get their hands in the soil, you can sign up for a 90-minute shift to work in the Farminary garden under the supervision of farm manager, Larry Rogers.
9-10:30 am
- Helping Institutions Think Ecologically: Nick Babladelis, Environmental Steward of St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire, will help participants assess if their organization is ready to take steps toward sustainability and – if so – what that path can look like.
- Planting Something New: When it comes to starting a new venture, how do you get the right plan, the right people, and measure progress? Lissette Gonzalez Sosa, Executive Director of Sanctuary + Seed, offers a personal story of social entrepreneurship in progress. This workshop is a mix of storytelling, dreaming, and collaborative problem solving.
- Connecting Congregations to the Farm: Join Werner Ramirez, Associate Pastor at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York in a conversation about the importance of “touching grass” in the spiritual formation of today’s faith communities. From time in the garden to teaching confirmation classes at the farm, you’ll get a sense of not just the what but the why, and how the land closest to you can be a holy space.
- Cooking with the Earth: Chef Gabby Aron offers her expertise in how to create seasonally and globally inspired menus using locally grown ingredients.
11 am-12:30 pm
- Helping Institutions Think Ecologically: Nick Babladelis, Environmental Steward of St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire, will help participants assess if their organization is ready to take steps toward sustainability and – if so – what that path can look like.
- Planting Something New: When it comes to starting a new venture, how do you get the right plan, the right people, and measure progress? Lissette Gonzalez Sosa, Executive Director of Sanctuary + Seed, offers a personal story of social entrepreneurship in progress. This workshop is a mix of storytelling, dreaming, and collaborative problem solving.
- Connecting Congregations to the Farm: Join Werner Ramirez, Associate Pastor at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York in a conversation about the importance of “touching grass” in the spiritual formation of today’s faith communities. From time in the garden to teaching confirmation classes at the farm, you’ll get a sense of not just the what but the why, and how the land closest to you can be a holy space.
- Cooking with the Earth: Chef Gabby Aron offers her expertise in how to create seasonally and globally inspired menus using locally grown ingredients.
3 pm
Sowing New Seeds: Princeton Theological Seminary Alumni Panel, Farminary – Main Tent
Alumni who participated in Farminary coursework over the past decade return to share how this distinctive approach to discipleship has shaped their work in the world.
4:30 pm
Farminary Tour
Join Nate Stucky, Director of the Farminary, for a short walking tour that covers the history, current operations, and long-term vision for the farm.
5:30 pm
Farm Chef Fest, Farminary Patio
A wonderfully talented complement of local chefs prepare tasting portions of delicious bites sourced from or inspired by the Farminary.
7 pm
Featured Conversation: Tiya Miles and Nate Stucky, Farminary – Main Tent
We are thrilled to welcome Tiya Miles, Michael Garvey Professor of History at Harvard University. Miles offers courses on slavery and public history, women’s history and literature, interrelated Black and Indigenous histories, and environmental humanities. She has become increasingly focused on ecological questions, environmental storytelling, and ways of articulating and enlivening Black environmental consciousness. Her latest books, Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People (Penguin 2024) and Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation (W.W. Norton 2023), explore these themes.
Friday’s Featured Speakers

Nate Stucky, Director of the Farminary Project

Nate Stucky, Director of the Farminary Project
Nathan Stucky serves as Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary. He grew up on a farm in Kansas where his love for Christian faith and agriculture first took root. After earning a BA in Music from Bethel College (KS), Stucky spent six years doing ecumenical youth ministry on the eastern shore of Maryland, and two years farming back in Kansas. After farming, Stucky earned an MDiv and a PhD (Practical Theology, Christian Education and Formation) from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarship explores questions of land, ecology, theology, agriculture, justice, joy, and Sabbath as they relate to theological education. He is the author of Wrestling with Rest: Inviting Youth to Discover the Gift of Sabbath. Ordained in the Mennonite Church (USA), Stucky engages Farminary work as integral to his calling to teaching ministry. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with his spouse and three children.

Dr. Tiya Miles

Dr. Tiya Miles
Tiya Miles is the author of eight books, including four prize-winning histories about race and slavery in the American past. Her latest work is the biography Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People. Her 2021 National Book Award winner, All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake, was a New York Times bestseller that won eleven historical and literary prizes, including the Cundill History Prize and the Frederick Douglass Prize. Her other nonfiction works include Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation, The Dawn of Detroit, Tales from the Haunted South, The House on Diamond Hill, and Ties That Bind. She has consulted with colleagues at historic sites and museums on representations of slavery, African American material culture, and the Black-Indigenous intertwined past, including, most recently, the Fabric of a Nation quilt exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Her work has been supported by a MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Award, the Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Miles was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, and she is currently the Michael Garvey Professor of History and Radcliffe Alumnae Professor at Harvard University.
Friday Speakers

Nick Babladelis

Nick Babladelis
Nick Babladelis serves as the Environmental Steward, supporting the ecology and sustainability of the St. Paul’s School community. He teaches across the curriculum but calls the Sciences Division his home. He currently holds the Albert P. Neilson ’48 Chair in Environmental Stewardship and Education at SPS. Mr. Babladelis studied biochemistry at Wake Forest University and later completed a master of divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary with a focus on faith, science, and ecology. Between his degrees, Mr. Babladelis worked as a middle school science teacher, a freelance photographer, and a campus minister.

Lissette Gonzalez Sosa

Lissette Gonzalez Sosa
Lissette González Sosa is a Wild Church Pastor and Executive Director of Sanctuary + Seed, an organization repurposing the former Christ Presbyterian Church in Martinsville, New Jersey as a multi-use space for the restoration of the earth, humanity, and their relationship with one another. Founded by BIPOC women, Sanctuary + Seed is a response to the rapidly shifting cultural, ecological, & religious landscapes, guided by the principles of adaptive reuse, ecologically-centered design, and human-centered design.. With 25+ years of experience supporting families and teens in the nonprofit sector, she is committed to serving others and building bridges across communities. Her deep love for the land and people is rooted in decades of service alongside migrant and immigrant farmworkers, where she witnessed firsthand the sacred connection between the earth and the movement of people.

Werner Ramirez

Werner Ramirez
Rev. Werner Ramirez is a Guatemalan immigrant who grew up in Long Beach, CA. He jokes that he did not get into much trouble growing up because he has great parents who got him cable television and took him to church. Werner is an ordained minister of word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He holds an M.Div and a MA in Christian Education & Spiritual Formation from Princeton Theological Seminary. Werner has worked in youth ministry for over a decade on both coasts in suburban and urban contexts. He currently lives in Queens, NY with his wonderful wife April, and serves as the Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Family Ministries at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.

Gabby Aron

Gabby Aron
Chef Gabby began Autumn Olive Foodworks, her small food business, in 2016 in efforts to combine her passions for sustainable agriculture with feeding her community, and family style hospitality. Coming from a multicultural food loving background, the seeds for food and environmental justice, access, and education were planted at a young age. She has worked as a culinary and garden educator, a micro farmer, a CSA coordinator (to name a few), while building her reputation as a farm to table chef and educator.
9 am
Closing Worship Service, Seminary Chapel
Sermon from Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III
Saturday Speaker

Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III

Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III
Reverend Dr. Heber M. Brown, III has been a catalyst for personal transformation and social change for more than twenty years. For nearly fourteen years, he served as pastor of a baptist church in Baltimore where he saw and personally experienced the impacts of food apartheid. This helped to inspire him to launch the Black Church Food Security Network which advances food security and food sovereignty by co-creating Black food ecosystems anchored by nearly 250 Black congregations in partnership with Black farmers and other food justice stakeholders. He serves on the board of Bread For The World and Senior Church Advisor to Justis Connection; the premiere Black attorney referral network in the country and has garnered numerous awards including an Ashoka Fellowship. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Nothing More Sacred: Radical Stories Of Black Church Faith, Food and Freedom.
Ticket Packages
Early Bird Bonus: Those who register before April 23, 2025 receive a complimentary limited edition Farminary organically sourced blanket.
Single event tickets for those who want to attend just one or two offerings will be available as we get closer to the 10th anniversary celebration.
Don’t miss one moment of the 10th anniversary celebration. This ticket package includes both worship services, lunch on the Quad Wednesday and Farm Chef Fest on Friday, four workshops, all panel discussions, and all evening presentations, including Wine and the Bible
This package includes both worship services, four workshops, all panel discussions, and all evening presentations, including Wine and the Bible.
This package includes the panel discussion with Willie James Jennings and all evening presentations, including Wine and the Bible
Students from all institutions may purchase this package, which includes access to all 10th Anniversary events: both worship services, lunch on the Quad Wednesday and Farm Chef Fest on Friday, four workshops, all panel discussions, and all evening presentations, including Wine and the Bible. Please contact for the student discount information
Sponsor A Student
You remember what it was like to be a student on a limited budget. Your $100 gift helps cover costs for a seminary student.
On-Site Parking Pass
Shuttles will run to/from the Seminary’s main campus to the Farminary. For those who would like guaranteed on-site parking at the Farminary, you can reserve 1 of 40 spots for $75.